SC0423 Tricia Reust Charcoal/Grey Pastel Portrait

From: $180.00


We will cover theory of facial features and basic design concepts with portraits and explore the portrayal of the human head. On the first day, two quarter sheet portrait head studies will be created – one incorporating the theory covered, and the second work exploring using charcoal as a wet underpainting. On the second day, participants will create a larger portrait using charcoal, and white and grey pastel. Pastel stroke making will be explored, and using pastel wet.
Reference photographs:

Your reference portrait photos should be clear and detailed so that you can easily recognise the various features. It is preferable for all reference photos to be in black and white, but not compulsory. It is good practice to clip the photo to the side of the board when you are working.

Day 1
Quarter sheet 1 – full face front-on
Quarter sheet 2 – another front-on recommended but your choice. You might consider doing this from the same reference as the first study, so that you can concentrate on technique, having already studied the features.
Day 2
For this half or full sheet black and grey portrait on a wet grey pastel underpainting, it is your choice as to whether the subject is in profile, three quarter shot or something else. It is preferable to have the neck and at least some of the shoulder in view. We will not have time to include intricate details or hands etc. You may also choose to regard the previous day’s portraits as studies and once again, portray the same subject as attempted on the first day.

Member Status

Members, Non-members