Workshop Report: Maxine Thompson
12 October 2024

We had a wonderful and informative workshop with Maxine generously giving very informative
demonstrations and instruction over basically 2 diverse but related subjects using the same method of attack for the students stages of progress. As the students ranged from absolute beginners in pastel and portraiture to vastly more experienced pastellists she was kept busy indeed.
She looked at the parts of various faces and either demonstrated from the absolute beginning on a
part or referred to a previous example she could show us to describe what she was referring to.
Angle, light, dark, variation within examples, “rules” of placement and variation within the species etc meaning variation in that supposed rule. The anatomy of an eye and where light enters and reflects is shown on the bottom of the above examples. Shape, negative shape, light and dark and measuring distance between were repeated throughout. Always wonderful to see terrific demonstrations as “a picture paints a thousand words” as Maxine said in reference to character and many other things like the tilt of a head. The first day the students were kept busy doing examples of the various anatomic parts of either their photo examples or of Maxine’s.
Below are various photo references to students works in progress and Maxine assisting the students. The second day we learnt Maxine's placement of face on page, and the way to work out distance and
placement of the face parts. Then we progressed into our attempts at completing the face. Maxine
travelled from student to student helping them and doing mini demonstrations as required. Less experienced persons had more individual tuition with others watching on if they wanted. Maxine is a
wonderful teacher empowering all students to feel the sense of achievement and capable for more.
The workshop had a wonderful friendly and informative atmosphere.
Maxine stayed with Robyn Receveur and Robyn taxied Maxine and also assisted with setup, pack up, and other such little things. Suzanne Moore lives closer to Albany and was able to do the induction for the VAC venue to open up and lock up daily. Thank you Robyn and Suzanne. The Vancouver Art
Centre (VAC) is a historic hospital in Albany WA and is a really suitable venue for art workshops. All
required facilities are there. There is a small kitchen with permanent urn, sink, dishwasher, fridge, microwave and oven. The lighting, space, chairs and tables and all of the facilities are wonderful. The hard floor makes cleanup easy and the necessities are there for such. It is also a good venue for exhibiting. The staff are there weekdays only.